Saturday, 22 June 2019

Kidney Stone Surgery

Kidney stone surgery

The kidney stone is the hard deposit which are made of minerals and salts which form the in kidney. There are various causes of kidney stone which can affect parts of your urinary tract.

Types of kidney stone:
·        Calcium stones.
·        Struvite stones.
·        Uric acid stones.
·        Cystine stones.

·        Pain in side and back.
·        Pain during urination.
·        Pink, brown or red urine.
·        Vomiting.
·        Nausea.
·        Fever.

Risk Factors
·        Dehydration.
·        Certain Diets.
·        Obesity.
·        Some other medical conditions.

Small stones with minimal symptoms
·        Drink more water.
·        Pain relievers.
·        Medical therapy.
Large stones
·        Ultrasound waves to break stones.
·        Surgery to remove large stones.
·        Scope to remove stones.
·        Parathyroid gland surgery.

The cost of kidney stone surgery in Bangalore varies from Rs.30,000 to Rs.20,00,000. Click here to know the exact cost of surgery.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Hip Replacement Surgery

The hip replacement surgery is used to replace parts of pelvis and femur. It is also called as hip arthroplasty. There are three types of hip replacement surgeries-

1. Total hip replacement.
2. Partial hip replacement.
3. Hip resurfacing.

It is performed by orthopedic surgeons.

For more details about hip replacement, click here:

We at Surgeryxchange are associated with best doctor, surgeons and hospitals in Bangalore. For more details, you can visit here

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Cholecystectomy Surgery And Cost

The cholecystectomy is also called as gallbladder surgery. It is the process to remove the gallbladder.

Types of gallbladder surgery:

1.      Gallbladder surgery : The surgeon will remove the gallbladder and gallstones through various small cuts made in the abdomen. The surgeon inflates the abdomen with air or carbon dioxide in order to see clearly.
2.      Open gallbladder surgery:  During this procedure, the surgeon will make a 5 to 7 inch incision (cut) on the abdomen to take out the gallbladder. You’ll have to undergo open surgery if you have a bleeding disorder. You may also need it if you are suffering from a severe kind of gallbladder disease, are very overweight, or are in the last trimester of pregnancy.

After surgery, bile flows from the liver (where it is produced) through the bile duct into the small intestine. As the gallbladder has been removed, the body will no longer store bile between meals but it has very minimal effect on digestion.

Why is gallbladder surgery required?

Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery is the best possible way of treating gallstones that cause the symptoms. Laparoscopic surgery is most commonly used when there are no other factors to complicate the surgery.

Who needs gallbladder surgery?

If the gallstones are causing any symptoms, then no surgery is required. The surgery is required if stone blocks one of your bile ducts. This causes a gallbladder attack.


General anesthesia is administered before the Cholecystectomy. The procedure can be either laparoscopic or open according to the condition.
Open Cholecystectomy generally takes 1 to 2 hours. The surgeon will put a cut in right side of the abdomen. The liver and gallbladder are visible by pulling muscles around it. The gallbladder is removed and the cut is sutured.
The surgeon begins the laparoscopic cholecystectomy by making four small incisions in the abdomen. An instrument with a camera fitted at the end called a laparoscope is inserted in one of the incisions, and other surgical tools are inserted in the other incisions. The laparoscope allows the surgeon to see the area which is affected on a monitor or screen and remove the gallbladder. The bile duct is also screened beforehand for any abnormalities. Once the gallbladder is removed, incisions are sewed and the patient is taken to the recovery area.


The overall risk of gallbladder surgery is very low. The most serious possible complications may be:
·         Infection of an incision.
·         Internal bleeding.
·         Injury to the common bile duct.
Other uncommon complications may include:
·         Gallstones that remain in the abdominal cavity.
·         Bile that leaks into the abdominal cavity.
·         Injury to the major blood vessels in the abdomen that is carrying blood from the heart to the liver (hepatic artery). This is rare.
·         A gallstone can get into the common bile duct.
·         The liver being cut.

The cost of cholecystectomy surgery in Bangalore varies from Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 1,50,000. Click here to know exact cost.

Monday, 3 June 2019

Surgery for Shoulder Dislocation

The shoulder dislocation happens when head of the humerus is out of shoulder joint. There are some symptoms include shoulder pain, instability.
Mostly there are two types of surgeries which are used:
  1. Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery:
The surgery for dislocated shoulder is required to tight the torn or stretch ligaments. The surgeon may also repair the torn labrum, the ring of cartilage which surrounds the shoulder socket and stabilize the humerus. To aim of surgery is to repair these tissues.
An arthroscopic surgery is performed by using an arthroscope, which is inserted  in the joint through a small cut. It contain a video camera and a light at one end. After getting to the position small surgical instruments are inserted and then re position the torn ligament on bone is done.
It is usually performed using general anesthesia. The surgeons also use an injection called as nerve block. A nerve block provide 10 to 12 hours of pain relief.
  1. Open Shoulder Surgery:
    The open surgery means that the doctor/surgeon operate the joint from a single cut made above the shoulder joint, instead of having various small cuts. The doctor perform the open surgery to repair injured ligaments.
To repair the bone loss in glenoid socket caused by the repeated injury, the doctor take a piece of living bone, called as bone graft, from other part of body and shape it to fit the rim of glenoid to create deeper socket. The bone  graft fuses with the shoulder socket to form a solid bone.
The physical therapy is the most important part for the full recovery of shoulder injury. The physical therapist work with you to build strength, improve flexibility. During the first few weeks the therapist provide massage to reduce the pain and swelling. After sometime the therapist starts some exercise for the muscles in shoulder , arms and back. To restore the strength in these muscles. The therapy continues for a long time before the shoulder is fully recovered.

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